Womb Initiation Journey

Learn the art of cyclical living and step into your menstrual, creative and sexual power

Online course

Starting date

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6 -module 


flexible tiers starting at 333€

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receive your free womb love package

Receive womb guidance and embodiment practices for each phase of your menstrual cycle.  Connect to your womb with love and care and nourish yourself with these feminine self-care practices.
the art of cyclical living

womb initiation journey

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Step into your menstrual, creative, sexual power and learn how to live and create in harmony with your body and cyclical nature. As you journey with your menstrual cycle and your womb you discover a path to your feminine superpowers and sovereign wholeness. This is your initiation into womanhood that you always wished you received as a young girl. 
Female body, menstruation, pleasure and sexuality became an outcast of the society and a target of shame, guilt, fear, suffering and pain. Woman has lost agency over her body and forgot how to listen and trust her inner knowing giving her power away. She was numbed out and disconnected from the wisdom and power of her womb. And it is time to change it.

Learn the Art of cyclical living

When you consciously connect to your menstrual cycle, your womb becomes your most trusted inner guide to unlocking your menstrual, creative and sexual powers. She becomes a portal to reclaiming lost parts of your soul. When you are in tune with your body you are able to communicate your needs and boundaries with clarity and take empowering decisions that are aligned with your female body and cycle. 
program Overview

Here is what we will cover in
Womb initiation journey

4 phases of your menstrual cycle

Learn about hormonal changes, strengths & challenges of each phase of your cycle and how this affects your body, mind, emotions, creativity and sexuality

Ancient wisdom of your cyclical nature

Discover rites of passage, initiation rituals into womanhood & feminine archetypal wisdom to reclaim lost pieces of your feminine soul and step into your wholeness

Womb embodiment practices

Activate and connect to your womb through daily embodiment practices including womb yoga, breathwork, womb meditations & visualizations, guided relaxation, sacred sexuality & tantric pleasure practices

dealing with menstrual pain 

Tips and practices to manage & deal with your menstrual cramps and pain

menstrual blood medicine 

Learn about the creative power of your blood & blood rituals for manifesting purposes

daily cyclical living

Practices for each phase of your cycle to live, create, work and relate to yourself and the outside world in harmony with your cycle

flexible tiers starting at 333€!

Course Lessons

what OTHER WOMEN  experienced


“My personal path of diving into female body wisdom has brought a whole new depth into my life as a woman. Working with Martina has supported me in reconnecting myself to a deep ancient knowing, wisdom and power. This enabled me to go through a process of shedding old pain and experiencing profound healing. And it also inspired me to make more space for honouring, enjoying and celebrating my body, female cycle and daily rituals. I wish this for every woman!!”
      " The womb initiation journey was life-changing. It gave me a greater understanding of myself: body, emotions, anatomy, energy, relationships with others, connection with Nature, which in turn made me feel proud of being a woman and made me feel empowered to be my true self and heal a lot of shame, guilt and repression that I believe we carry collectively as women. This made me feel inspired for a better future where all women can be unapologetically themselves."
“I wish I had learned about the magic of our menstrual cycle already as a teenager. My personal key lessons are to take better care of myself and my needs and to make better use of my creative and reflective phases along my cycle. I now better understand what it means to honour my body and my blood. The course is beautifully designed – structure and content-wise, but also aesthetic-wise and provides a well-balanced mixture of self-paced learning and live ceremonies.”
"Martina's work has been deeply impactful and inspiring to me. It has led me to further dive into my creativity and power and dance with the pleasures of life. In reconnecting to my pleasure I have also reawakened my curiosity, my openness to pleasure, and the pleasurable experiences life has to hold. Pleasure as re-discovery and the joy of being with acceptance and uncertainty. Reaffirming my own sexuality and sensuality and being with the fluidity and sometimes even unpredictability nature of it. I am grateful for Martina and the resonance I feel to her kind, compassionate, and gentle nature and approach to femininity. "
“The Womb Journey is a very important course in the field of personal development. It allowed me to learn and reconnect to my inner wisdom and power, learn about the physical, but also mystical aspects around womanhood and the female body and how to live more in tune with my monthly cycles. Being connected to my menstrual cycle and practicing the womb yoga really helps me connect to my feminine power and to my yoni - I love it! "
" One of the most profound journeys I have taken. This course is filled with so much knowledge and practices that made a real impact on my life and body. I am so, so happy to have found this course and Martina is an amazing teacher. I was looking forward to our meetings every week, and the practices in the morning. Would recommend it to every woman in the world who seeks to understand her body and power better."


Self-paced journey

Learn at your own pace
  • Six Modules packed with menstrual cycle wisdom & womb embodiment practices 

  • One-Year Access: Review all course content at your own pace for a full year

  • Support group on telegram

at the checkout

live community journey

Receive live guidance & support in community

Includes everything from Self-Paced Journey plus:
  • 6x Weekly Live Ceremonies on March 26th, April 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

  • 2x Q&A Sharing Circles on April 5th & 26th: Engage directly with your teacher and fellow participants in Q&A sessions

Life time & 1-1 mentoring

Receive individual guidance and long-term support including:
  • Lifelong Unlimited Access: Participate in all future live journeys and receive all future course updates.

  • 1-on-1 Mentorship Sessions: 3x 1-hour personal coaching calls with Martina

  • Ongoing Community: Gain lifelong access to a moderated growth and support community.

Hi, I'm Martina

I’m a certified Womb yoga teacher and Tao-tantric feminine facilitator with focus on womb healing, cyclical living, sacred sexuality and embodied intimacy. I’ve been drawing from lineages of tantra, taoism, hatha and womb yoga, eastern bodywork, and cyclical wisdom of the menstrual cycle.

I’m committed to breaking taboos surrounding menstrual blood, female body, sexual shame, pleasure, and power. My great passion is to explore teachings and embodiment practices that help women to find home within and remember themselves as love by connecting to deep wisdom in the body. I’m dedicated to women’s healing and transformation through the path of body and eros empowering women to live extraordinary lives filled with love, creativity, pleasure, and authenticity.

I envision a world where both women and men step into authentic adulthood through initiation rituals and live in harmony with our inner and outer nature, co-creating a new paradigm on planet Earth. 
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